
Student´s Profile

Admission profile:

The applicant must demonstrate the competences recognized by the upper secondary education in the graduate profile of the baccalaureate and show the ability to successfully solve the skills that are evaluated in the aspiring university students of the University of Guadalajara. This is done through the Academic Aptitude Test (PAA) of the College Board and includes three fundamental areas of cognitive development: verbal reasoning and critical reading; logical-mathematical reasoning and writing in Spanish. The ability of the student to handle the knowledge acquired in their school years is evaluated and the aptitude or cognitive ability is classified to guide their decisions.


Graduate profile:

It contains four curricular axes that link the training of the graduate in nursing to the fields of professional performance characterized by: community environments with a strong educational component and self-care of health; healthcare environments that weigh the health care of the person; research, administration and care and quality management scenarios. the fields of the professional field in which the student intervenes upon graduation were defined; derived from it, the contents of the curriculum will develop the formation of the following competences:

Sociocultural competences

Instrumental Technical Competences

Professional Competencies
